About Us

ECRAM, known as ECCELENZIA CONSORZIO RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT, is a consortium of experts from different academic and professional disciplines Read more

About Us


Contributing usable technological and information solutions to national, regional and international challenges in natural resources utilization and management in a proactive manner based on credible and high research tools reinforced by a well established global network of researchers and stakeholders.


The mission of ECRAM is to enhance the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources to benefit the economy and environment in Africa through an interdisciplinary research and community participatory research and management.

Company business

Consultancy services, Management, Research and Development, Policy analysis, Community Support and Development Projects; Regulatory Impact Assessment, Development planning, Business Development, Project Planning and Management, Public Sector Project Appraisals, and Development Project Impact Assessment in all aspects related to utilization, conservation and management of natural aquatic resources; natural ecosystem functioning and services; agro-ecosystems functioning and management; and climate change and environment management.

sucessfull projects with ECRAM

what we have achieved so far


Newly awarded projects


On-going projects


Consortiums involved


Some of Key projects and consultancies undertaken by ECRAM.

Resource persons

ECRAM possess highly qualified and long experienced experts in the different fields.The firm is also linked to local and regional institutes involved in similar work. Some of the key expertise of ECRAM is as detailed below:

1. MWANJA, Waiswa Wilson – PhD, Managing Partner and Founder, Programme leader for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.

Mr. Mwanja Waiswa Wilson is a doctorate degree holder in Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology with many other qualifications in related fields. Mr. Mwanja Waiswa Wilson has over 23 years of work experience in related fields 13 over which were at the level of senior management and executive positions in government. He has recently acquired an equivalent of an MBA in International Management. Mr. Mwanja, through the international management training course and through his experience as senior level manager has acquired expert skills in organizational development and management, and institutional capacity building. He is highly published and experienced Naturals Resources Manager and has been most senior technical person in management and development of fisheries in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda where he served as the Chief Fisheries Officer. While working as Chief Fisheries Officer he was in charge of overseeing the implementation of donor funded management, research and development projects in Uganda, East Africa and Africa. Mr. Mwanja has also been responsible for overseeing and monitoring and evaluation of local and donor funded projects on Dr. Mwanja Waiswa Wilson has managed and been involved with several local and international projects involving provision of technical services and supply and distribution of implements and inputs for fisheries and aquaculture production. He has also been deeply and regularly involved with international management of complex multinational and multicultural issues and projects related to natural resources management and biodiversity. He has acquired expertise and experience in international negotiation; strategic organization management ; strategic forward-planning; management of strategic operations, appraising and weighting of complex environmental projects; working with tight financial limits imposed by ambitious budgets that were designed with my involvement to accomplish complex and demanding projects; administration and leading of complex national and international teams; team building both physical and virtual teams; and delivery under tight schedules imposed by the complex nature and rigid national and international operating frameworks that have to take in consideration the divergent temporal, cultural, spatial, and experiential aspects of the environmental issues and projects. Dr. Mwanja Waiswa Wilson is renowned researcher and is fairly published especially in regards to utilization, conservation, management and development of aquatic resources. In course of his training and work he has had opportunity to travel widely and regularly.

2. BANGA, Margaret – PhD. Environmental Economist, Founder and Programme Leader: Socioeconomic Development and Development Impact Assessment.

Dr. Margaret Banga holds a doctorate degree in socioeconomics with specialization in environmental economics. and has been involved with many research and development projects. Dr Banga Margaret has is also qualified in applied economics and statistics with international experience and networks in these disciplines. She is currently serving a Senior Lecturer with the School of Applied Economics and Statistics of Makerere University, Kampala Uganda, as well as being a Senior Partner with ECRAM where she is the Programme Leader for Socioeconomic Development and Development Impact Assessment. Dr. Banga Margaret is fairly published and has been part of many local (Uganda) and subregional (East African) projects in area of environmental economics.

3. RUTAISIRE, Justus – Aquaculture Development and Management Specialist

Mr. Rutaisire is doctorate degree holder with several academic awards majorly in the area of Aquatic Sciences. He has over 27 years of Research and Development expertise in fisheries and aquaculture science. He is well published and a renown reviewer of technical publications. He has been the Head of Aquaculture Research in Uganda while working with National Agriculture Research Organization. He also has undertaken several climate related impact assessments and adaptation strategy review and development. Mr. Rutaisire is currently the ECRAM expert on climate variability and aquatic systems.

4. AKOLL Peter, PhD. Fish Pathologist, Founder and Sub-programme Leader: Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Mr. Akoll Peter is doctorate holder in the area of fish pathology, with a very good research record in fisheries and aquaculture development involving both local and international projects. Mr. Akoll Peter is a lecturer with Makerere University Kampala in the Department of Biology in the school of Natural Resources.

5. MWANJA Deborah, MBA, Microfinance, Accounting and Finance. Subprogramme Leader: Business Development, Marketing and Financial Analysis.

Mwanja Deborah is a holder of an MBA and Bachelors of Business Administration with specialization in Microfinance, Management Accounting and Finance. She is a seasoned management and business development expert supporting local MSMEs in areas of organizational and human resource management; microfinance management; operations and financial analysis; projects appraisal; business systems, structure and policy formulation and analysis; and marketing and business development. She has over 17 years of work experience, and has recently ventured into international consulting services under ECRAM.

8. Mr. OWANI SIMON-OLOK, MSc. Environment Management.

Sub-programme Leader: Aquaculture Development and Management. Mr. Owani Simon-Olok is an expert in aquaculture with deep understanding of functioning of aquaculture farming systems, and their interaction with the environment. Mr. Owani Simon-Olok has 15 years experience in fisheries and aquaculture extension and technical service provision, and is widely travelled in East Africa, Africa and Asia. He is very competent with skills and knowledge acquired through his wide network of collaborators and contacts across the globe.

7. Mr. MWANJA Matthew, PhD Environment and Natural Resources Management; MSc. Zoology. Founder and Programme Leader: Natural Resources Management and Biodiversity Conservation

Mr. Mwanja Matthew is seasoned researcher working with the National Agriculture Research Organization as a Research Officer (Geneticist). He has led a number of conservation genetics and ecological studies in the area of aquatic resources management, and has been a member of several multidisciplinary teams working on development related projects in the areas of food security and livelihoods impinging on aquatic resources exploitation and development. He has fair publication record in conservation genetics and has currently taken on genetics improvement related projects in the agriculture sector focused on fisheries and aquaculture resources development.
1. Ms. Banga Margaret, PhD Environment Economics – Treasurer and Member Board of Directors since 2009

2. Mr. Waiswa Wilson MWANJA, PhD – Managing Partner (CEO) and Chairman of Board of ECRAM since 2009

3. Mr. Matthew Tenywa MWANJA, PhD – Secretary Board and Member of Board of Directors since 2009.

4. Mr. Richard Kudeeba, BA Human Resources – Head Office and Business Operations since 2010

5. Ms. Frida Nakaibale, BSc. Postgraduate Dip. Finance and Management - Finance and Administration Manager since 2014

6. Mr. Asavia Baleke, BSc. Finance and Accounting – Accountant since 2010

7. Mr. Mark Mwanja, BSc Finance and Accounting – Payments and Bank Accounts Manager since 2016

8. Mrs. Sarah Namumbya Othieno, MA Public Administration – Projects Management and Coordination since 2011

9. Mr. Martin Turyashemererwa BSC in computer Science

10. Mr. George Okiror, Dip Aquaculture and Fisheries – Technical Manager, Aquaculture Extension

11. Ms. Joyce Nakanda, Certificate Office Management – Office Clerk Junior Researchers include: 1. Mr. Erick Gaalya – MBA, Marketing and Market Development Expert

2. Ms. Loy Kawudha – MEd, Community Education and Investment Specialist

3. Mr. Robert Kyoyetera – BSc. Finance and Accounting; Business Development Expert

4. Mr. Eric Nadiope – MSc. Environment and Natural Resources. Fisheries Development and Management Expert

5. Ms. Sarah Namumbya – MA. Public Administration and Management

6. Mr. Richard Mwanja - BA. Sociology and Economics

7. Mr. Abdallah Musiho – MA Education Management; BSc. Economics

8. Mr. Phillip Mwanja – BSc. Architecture

9. Mr. Doreen Kintu – BA Environmental Management

10. Ms. Wokibula Rebecca – MSc. Agronomy

11. Ms. Deborah Mwanja – MSc. Business Administration (Microfinance)

12. Mr. Stephen Kimera – BSc. Fisheries and Aquaculture

13. Mr. Richard Ddungu – BSc. Fisheries and Aquaculture

14. Mr. Stephen Odis – BSc. Fisheries and Aquaculture

15. Mr. Godfrey Ngobi – BA. Social Sciences

16. Mr. Andrew Bende – MA Public Management and Ethics and MA. Economics

17. Mr. Yassin Matovu – BA – Human Resource


Photos depicting activities/consultancies invoved in

Climate change consultations

Inception meeting of Assessment of the fisheries resource base and its contribution for food security In IGAD region

IGAD inception meeting

LEAF II project at Katwe landing site

IGAD Inception meeting

IGAD inception meeting

Tour after the inception meeting

get in touch

16km from Kampala off Kampala-Entebbe Road before Kajjansi Town, Plot 71 Lweza ‘A’, Mutungo Parish, Ssabagabo Subcounty, Wakiso District, P. O. Box 27573 Kampala.

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16km from Kampala off Kampala-Entebbe Road before Kajjansi Town, Plot 71 Lweza ‘A’, Mutungo Parish, Ssabagabo Subcounty, Wakiso District, P. O. Box 27573 Kampala.

Partners of ECRAM