ECRAM, known as ECCELENZIA CONSORZIO RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT, is a consortium of experts from different academic and professional disciplines Read more
Contributing usable technological and information solutions to national, regional and international challenges in natural resources utilization and management in a proactive manner based on credible and high research tools reinforced by a well established global network of researchers and stakeholders.
The mission of ECRAM is to enhance the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources to benefit the economy and environment in Africa through an interdisciplinary research and community participatory research and management.
Consultancy services, Management, Research and Development, Policy analysis, Community Support and Development Projects; Regulatory Impact Assessment, Development planning, Business Development, Project Planning and Management, Public Sector Project Appraisals, and Development Project Impact Assessment in all aspects related to utilization, conservation and management of natural aquatic resources; natural ecosystem functioning and services; agro-ecosystems functioning and management; and climate change and environment management.
what we have achieved so far
Newly awarded projects
On-going projects
Consortiums involved
Some of Key projects and consultancies undertaken by ECRAM.
ECRAM possess highly qualified and long experienced experts in the different fields.The firm is also linked to local and regional institutes involved in similar work. Some of the key expertise of ECRAM is as detailed below:
Photos depicting activities/consultancies invoved in
Climate change consultations
Inception meeting of Assessment of the fisheries resource base and its contribution for food security In IGAD region
IGAD inception meeting
LEAF II project at Katwe landing site
IGAD Inception meeting
IGAD inception meeting
Tour after the inception meeting
16km from Kampala off Kampala-Entebbe Road before Kajjansi Town, Plot 71 Lweza ‘A’, Mutungo Parish, Ssabagabo Subcounty, Wakiso District, P. O. Box 27573 Kampala.
16km from Kampala off Kampala-Entebbe Road before Kajjansi Town, Plot 71 Lweza ‘A’, Mutungo Parish, Ssabagabo Subcounty, Wakiso District, P. O. Box 27573 Kampala.